Using the fields above, you can search the site for objects that contain a word or words in which you are interested. For example, you can search the site for your last name by entering it into the text box above (capitalization does not matter) and clicking on the Submit button. You may find that you are in a photo or news.
Details (you can probably skip these and go directly to the search form above)
- In the text box above, enter the word or words (separated by spaces) for which you want to search. The “words” will be used in a “fuzzy” search. That means, for example, that a search word will match all or part of a word on the site, for example, “all” as a search word matches “ball”, “all”, and “Allen”. Words can consist of only the following characters: upper- and lowercase Latin alphabetics, decimal digits, apostrophe’s (‘), hyphens (-), and underscores (_).
- If you enter more than one “word,” you have the choice of searching for objects that have all the fuzzy words (an AND search) or any one or more of the fuzzy words (an OR search). For example, searching for “yee Daltas” with all of the search words returns a few results in which both Yee and Daltas are referenced. Doing a search for “yee Daltas” with one or more of the words returns many more results, text as well as photos, because each result only needs to reference Yee or Daltas, or both.
- You can check one, two, or three of the search locations, Photos (all of the pictures used on the site), Pages (the words and pictures that you see when you go from place to place on the site), and Posts (the letters, news, and alerts that you see on the site’s Home page or can access through the Posts choice on the site’s primary menu).
- When you search for Photos, you aren’t searching all the photos you can see on the site (what you see on the pages and in the galleries), but what is behind all of that: the site’s media library. Consequently, you may find things you don’t expect, such as images that aren’t currently used on the site.
- A site search returns a list of results that may be more than one page long, so look for navigation buttons at the bottom of each page of results.
- Clicking on the link in a result, takes you to the page or post in which your search words occur. In both cases, you may have to look closely at what is displayed to find the occurrence(s) of your search words. If the link in a result takes you to a photo, you can click on it to get a larger representation of it or, if it is in a gallery, click on the link on the bottom left to go to the page that contains the gallery and, therefore, other related photos.
- Note that interactive tables have their own search boxes on their top right to let you interactively search only that table.