Looking for answers? See below.




Who runs the league?

The league has a volunteer planning committee that coordinates with New England Golf Corporation, the golf course management company that runs Pine Meadows Golf Club. The committee arranges for and schedules the tee times  and tournaments, maintains the league’s handicaps database, and plans excursions to other area golf courses. Click here if you would like to contact a committee member or learn more about the members.

How do I request a tee time?

Click here to find out.

From what tees should I play?

Play from the tees that give you the most enjoyment. If playing from the gold tees means that you are locked into getting pars and bogies and playing from the whites means that you’re struggling for bogies and double bogies, then play from the golds. Similarly, if you are internally debating between the whites and blues.

If you are going to play in our tournaments, then you need to play all the time from the same tees, and play from those same tees in the tournaments, so your handicap can fairly represent your play. If you start playing from one set of tees early in the year and change to another, be sure to report that change to the Handicapper.

Who are the people who keep the course in such good shape?

Click here to find out.

What should I do if I lose a club on the course?

If you are on the course, see if the group behind you has found anything. Call the club house and give them as many details as possible, for example, the type of club and where you think it might be. If the course Starter/Ranger isn’t busy, he or she may be able to take a cart and check with the groups and the course behind you. If you are done with a round and are still at the course, report the problem to the club house, if you haven’t already, and ask the groups behind you as they come off the course. If none of that works, let a Planning Committee member know and he or she can try alerting members to your loss. The ultimate backstop is calling the course every day or so and asking if your club has been turned in.

TIP: The sooner you know that a club is missing, the more likely it is to find its way back to you, so count your clubs and check your headcovers before leaving the course.

What should I do if I find a club on the course?

If you can catch up to the group in front of you, ask them if they are missing a club. When you get done with the round, turn the club into the club house with information about where it was found. If you think that the club belongs to a member, let a Planning Committee member know about your find and he or she can alert members.

I want to send an e-mail message to the TSGL membership.
In the past, some folks have used the TSGL member list to send bulk e-mail messages with jokes or items of interest. Please refrain from doing that, for a number of reasons. The most serious is that a seemingly innocent attachment can contain a virus or worm that can damage people’s computers or compromise their security. Also, the content of the message may offend or upset someone. And some of us just get too many e-mail messages. The League will not send such messages.

I’ve received an e-mail message that appears targeted to the TSGL membership and don’t want to receive more.

If you get unwanted e-mail messages, please reply to the messages and ask the sender to remove you from their mailing list.

What places at Pine Meadows should I avoid?

There are three spots that go beyond the obvious, such as the pond and the woods: