May 31 Highlights
Only 8 golfers braved the elements, but it turned out to be quite a nice day. Mary Snow returned for the first time this year and scored the low net of 35. No birdies and no one broke 40.
Handicap Information
Current handicaps through play today will be used for Thursday’s tournament. You can see them here and see the rounds that contributed to them here.
The Next Time We Play Will be a Tournament
It will be a Scramble. See details in Scramble Tournament Rules. Remember that you need to have recorded at least 5 scores to establish a handicap and be eligible to enter the tournament. The entry fee is $5.00. You can sign up to play on that day without entering the tournament, but we have limited tee times and priority will go to those members who want to play in the tournament.
Remember that you must play out every hole. No pickups and no gimmes. For closest to the pin, we will use the course’s tape measure and record scores on the provided placards at holes #7 and #9.