Tournament News
The year’s final TSGL tournament was a Scramble with nine 4-person teams. Team 5 (Walter Allen, Bill Sciarretta, Ed Foley, and Arthur Barbera) took first place garnering a $30 prize for each of the winners. The team finished with a 2-under-par 33. Two teams finished at 1-under-par 34: Team 3 (Ric Magro, Jeff Garland, Andy Rittenberg, and Bruce Arenberg) and Team 7 (Ros Paine, Dick Conant, Jim Colantropo, and Jay Flynn). Both teams had 5 on both hole #1 and hole #2, but Team 3 scored a par on hole #5 while Team 7 had a bogie, so Team 3 finishes in second place, netting $20 to each team member. Team 7 players each pocket $10.
Ric Magro captured both Closest to the Pin contests with brilliant shots to 6’1″ on #7 and 7’7″ on #9.
Our Season Champion is Eric Baatz with a runaway total of 11 points. Ros Paine was second with 8 points, and Karl Weiland, Steven Levy, and Arthur Barbera tied for third with 7 points.
Congratulations to all our winners!
For details of these results and the results of previous tournaments, click here.