Tournament #1: 4-Person Scramble
The first tournament of the 2023 season is on Thursday, May 4th. It is your chance to win big bucks and get points toward the coveted league championship. See tournament rules here.
Things to Remember
– You need to have recorded at least 5 scores to establish a handicap and be eligible to enter the tournament.
– You must play out every hole. No pickups and no gimmes. For closest to the pin, we will use the course’s tape measure and record scores on the provided placards at holes #7 and #9.
– Note that you must sign up individually–no requests for playing with another player. Teams will be assigned based on handicaps.
– Reserve tee times using the normal signup mechanism. Sign up as soon as possible after 2pm on Monday so that we can create teams.
Not Interested?
You can sign up to play on that day without entering the tournament, but we have limited tee times and priority will go to those members who want to play in the tournament. Be sure your request specifies “No Tournament” or you will be automatically registered and added to a team.
Entry Fee and League Dues
The tournament entry fee is $5.00. The league dues will also be collected on Thursday. Like last year, the league dues are $10 (cash only, please). A box for your tournament fee and dues, envelopes, and pencils will be in the clubhouse. Place your tournament fee and your dues in an envelope, write your name on the front, and drop it into the designated box.